Appealing my Moderation Infraction

      Appealing my Moderation Infraction

        Article summary

        Appeals are in compliance with BlueStar Games Community Guidelines. Your appeal will be determined on what rule was broken, not all bans are guaranteed to be approved.

        We take appeals extremely seriously and ensure every appeal is read and a decision made on that appeal. We allow every player a second chance to redeem themselves by appealing through our ban appeal application. It's up to the user how they want to choose to move forward and be a part of our community. Appeals are open by our Moderation Team momentarily from time to time.

        If a user fails to get the appeal by the deadline, the moderator has the right to decline or reject and the user will have to submit a new appeal when they re-open on time.

        I’ve been Banned, what now?

        If you’ve been banned from either Tycoon Innovator or our Community Server, you have the chance to appeal your ban.

        All bans are processed by Human Moderators and are reviewed a couple days after the user has been banned. The Moderator has the authority to decline or approve the appeal.

        Appeal Declined

        If your appeal has been declined, you did not provide sufficient details to your appeal. If you wish to appeal in the future, you may. You may only appeal twice. If your second appeal gets declined, you will stay permanently banned.

        Appeal Approved

        If your appeal has been approved, you will be unbanned from what you’ve appealed for. If you violate a rule from our Community Guidelines and you get banned, you will be permanently banned and not allowed to appeal again.

        How do I appeal my ban?

        Bans can only be appealed through the application. You must wait for the application to open and once opened, you can appeal your ban for either being banned from our game, or the community server. Your application will then be reviewed by a moderator, and you should be notified if your appeal has been deemed acceptable. If you wish to learn how to appeal a ban, view the steps below:

        What is the difference between a ban and a permanent ban?

        Bans are categorized depending on the severity caused. Some bans hold heftier punishments than others, and some might not hold any. In this chart below, you will find what ban severity and the reasons are appealable, and which are not.

        Category of InfractionReasonsAppeable
        KickDisrespectful language, continuous violations after warnings, abusing caps, begging
        BanSpamming in the chat and spam pinging employees and users, or other rule violations.
        Permanent BanUsing exploits or exploiting, abusing administrative commands, bypassing, inappropriate audio✓ & ✕
        BlacklistSexual content, TOS Violation, copyright or trademark infringement, racial blasphemy, direct message advertising / self promotion, illegal behavior and or; threatening harmful behavior, performing or organizing raids

        If you do not abide by the rules set by our group, and Roblox and you're a repeat offender. You will be reported to Roblox for not only violating our guidelines but their Community Standards and Terms of Use. This also goes for other third-party platforms such as (Discord, YouTube, and Twitter.)

        In-Game Bans

        The same process will go for game bans as they go for Discord. Please make sure to correctly fill out the application, answer all questions with detail and provide as much evidence to make your and the moderator's job easier. If you're unbanned, you can resume playing and your data, items, and rank will remain the same. Please remember to abide by our Rules, and the rules set by Roblox as well.

        What is the deadline to appeal an in-game ban?

        There is no deadline to appeal a ban. However, if you come to us and you were banned for a long period of time, and did not come and appeal about it. You must make sure to appeal on time, as appeals are not open on a regular basis.

        Please note for privacy reasons, we do not talk about the consequences or the outcome of the moderation action. You will be notified if your ban has been accepted or rejected. You can tell by simply re-joining the server, and agreeing to our community rules.

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